Consultant/Parental Access

We need to be able to provide Consultants with Parental Access without them being assigned to complete school forms (where they also receive associated reminders). School forms should only be assigned to those that are "Responsible for Signing Contract". Parental Access should only make the information available to them.

  • Samantha Ruscio
  • Jun 28 2023
  • Attach files
  • Troy Burki commented
    June 28, 2023 15:54

    The even broader issue is the fact that individuals who aren't responsible signers are added as signers to school forms. Tied to this, consultants also shouldn't be added as parents on application forms. My perception of the role is that it allows an outside person to be able to assist/review a candidate's progress but they should not be considered a guardian, which is what is currently happening.