Opt Out of New Candidate Progress Graph or Minimize it

We would like to be able to opt out or at least Minimize the new Candidate Progress Graph. It seems quite big. We currently hold our inquiries in a different lead nurturing database so this graph is not helpful. Please give options for the graph.

  • Laura Brower
  • Sep 19 2023
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kelsey Huijgen commented
    17 Sep, 2024 07:32pm

    With the new EMS homepage, you're able to move the tiles for the candidate progress chart, calendar and review list around as well as minimize them. If you prefer to hide the candidate progress chart, you can either move it to the bottom of your page or minimize it. Hope this helps!

    Kelsey Huijgen, Product Manager

  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    27 Sep, 2023 12:51pm

    This would also be much more useful if you could break things down by grade and compare the numbers to the same time years prior.

  • Morgan Kunze commented
    19 Sep, 2023 08:41pm

    Came here to see this. On the Academics dashboard each widget can be moved or minimized, it would be great to see the same customizing options on the EMS dashboard. Thank you!