Ability to change name of "contracts"

We are working on our enrollment & re-enrollment “contracts” right now and may have an issue with using the word contract from a legal standpoint. Do you know if there is any way we can change the wording of contract or if there is someone I can talk to about this? The word contract implies it is legally binding and we do not handle enrollment & re-enrollment as legally binding. Ideally we would like it to say Enrollment Form or Re-Enrollment Form with Contract left off.
  • Sue Pelletier
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Joe St.Clair commented
    25 Jan, 2021 06:18pm

    This can now be found under Enrollment Management> Enrollment> Contracts> Manage Contract Forms, under the 'Contract Labels' option.

  • Kristen Belanger commented
    19 May, 2020 07:39pm

    We do not use the term contracts at our school. We want to change the title of contract to registration or something we could name ourselves. We have no legal contract between our parents and the school.

  • +1