Candidate name, entering grade, etc. column options for parent events

It would be useful to have access to candidate information on a parent centric event. Even though our tours are parent only events I would like to be able to have their students name and grade available to me to print or at least see.

  • Mishel Gantz
  • Jan 8 2024
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kelsey Huijgen commented
    January 11, 2024 21:02

    Hi Mishel - while we don't have candidate details in the Attendee Options list for events, you will be able to see that candidate information in the Form Submissions list for the event. When you're viewing your Event Management landing page, the link for the form submissions list will be right next to the attendee count. This list will include a column for every field on your registration form, so if you don't need to see all of that info, just use the Columns button to choose what fields you'd like to see. Hope that helps!


    Kelsey Huijgen, Product Manager