Discount capabilities in Event Management/Registration

Please enable features that allow registrants to take a discount or apply a coupon code.

We have registrants such as relations to board/faculty/staff who should not have to pay the same as others, and we are forced to handle these outside the system due to this limitation.

Similar accommodations are already incorporated in other areas of Higher Ed, so it would be consistent to flow it into EMS events as well.

Thank you for considering it!

  • Tamara Photiadis
  • Jan 18 2024
  • Attach files
  • Amanda Polson commented
    27 Feb 02:35pm

    We need this so bad! It is fantastic that we can have charges for events, but having to do any variation on the charge outside of the system is such a problem. Especially considering the complete lack of ability to track these charges or even see them!