Remove Required questions from Emergency Contact form

Two of the fields seem quite unncessary: Is this phone active and Emergency Phone Contact Type. It seems very unlikely that a parent is going to list an old/non-active phone number as their emergency number. Also, it is irrelevant whether the phone is wireless, home, home 2, etc. I wish these fields were optional.

  • Rachel Butler
  • Jul 25 2024
  • Attach files
  • Carolyn Stevens commented
    August 08, 2024 13:59

    I thought this at first, too with regard to the "Is this phone active" prompt. Where it comes in handy is for REMOVING emergency contacts that should no longer be on the record. So, I would suggest amending this idea to only display that question for EXISTING emergency contacts and rewording it to ask if it is still active.

    I 100%+ agree on the phone type being completely unnecessary. We opted not to use a form for this because the UX for parents is SO bad. We instead opened up direct edit, and I was dismayed that ALL phone types show up for parents, even the ones we have hidden in Security > User Profile Settings (fax, summer, winter, etc.). Regardless of how a school is collecting this, I don't see how it could possibly matter. Phone type should be removed in both form and direct editing experiences.