Paying with Check on Contracts

I would like to have the option to pay with checks on Contracts.
  • Guest
  • Sep 3 2015
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    7 Feb, 2017 02:32pm

    This is our first year using Contracts for re-enrolment/re-registration for the upcoming school year. 

    Over 50% of our parents pay their deposits using cheque. Having this option (and corresponding reports) would be a huge help.

    The "Pay & Submit" button for credit card payments, causes confusion for those wishing to pay by cheque.

    I really hope this feature can be added soon!

  • Guest commented
    9 Dec, 2016 01:22pm

    To have a pay by check option in onMessage for event registration and a waiver for application fees (which allows for a pay be check option) and NOT have this in Contracts makes for poor customer service.  Please find a fix for this ASAP.

  • Guest commented
    26 Feb, 2016 07:10pm

    We need to be able to have our parents pay by check.  Please add this asap!

  • Lily Thompson commented
    9 Oct, 2015 10:36pm

    It is absurd not to allow a pay by check option.... many independent schools have high tuitions and not everyone wants to put that high of an amount on their credit card. Please expedite this one because we cannot use this feature without the ability to allow parents to submit a check.

  • Julie Farr commented
    30 Sep, 2015 04:04am

    Totally agree with this. We have parents who still pay by paper check and it would be nice to be able to record these.

  • +1