I would like contracts to support rolling admissions by allowing the school to assign unique contract Due Dates when they batch generate contracts and also on an individual basis when editing a contract via the candidate's Contracts tab in their onBoard record.
Hello! We added a new Due Date setting for contracts that allows you to define the date as a number of days after generating (ie. 10 days after generating). This will create individualized due dates for the contracts you generate based on the day you generate them. Hopefully this helps speed up your process!
Kelsey Huijgen, Product Manager
I have to believe there are a ton of schools with rolling admission who would find this (or something similar) highly beneficial. I hope this will regain traction for consideration.
For the 2016-2017 Enrollment Period - we created six contracts to handle six different enrollment timeframes. Our Admissions Staff would have preferred a specific due date for each of the contracts we generated once the initial admissions wave was completed. They compromised after the first five sets of contracts to have vague language about a submission date - but having the ability to dynamically change the due date based on the date the contract was generated would be fantastic.
Hi Jill,
You can update a due date for particular student, but at this time we don't have a batch edit.