Ability to easily add siblings as inquiries on Candidate's contact card

I would like an enhancement to be able to easily add sibling to onBoard inquiries. Currently, we have to create a new inquiry, which does not create duplicated for the parents, but does create duplicates for the inquiry sibling. We would like an enhancement to just add an inquiry from the candidate's contact card onto their sibling.
  • Guest
  • Sep 3 2015
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  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    27 Oct, 2015 12:30pm

    This would be great- or if there were an option on the internal inquiry form that asks us if the person we're entering is a sibling of another user. (Is this person the sibling of USER?) Right now, I just add enough to get them connected to one of the parents, and then have to make all the linkages and the like all over again. It would be great if it identified users not only on the back end, but on the front end too, especially if there's not a way to add multiple siblings on the same inquiry form.

  • +1