Contract Withdraw Option Should Trigger Student Withdrawal

The withdraw option on the contract should trigger the student withdrawal option so that one doesn’t have to edit the record in multiple places. The withdrawal effective date and withdrawal date /role membership etc. should be there as well.
  • Guest
  • Aug 26 2015
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  • Priscilla Lopez commented
    June 10, 2020 20:24

    I agree. I'm having to go between advanced list and cross reference.

  • Kristofer Thurston commented
    August 16, 2019 18:15

    I just figured out, because of a mismatch in counts between the On Current Student Roster and the Smart Tuition student list that we have 1 student in class this week that never re-enrolled. There was no withdrawal, no notification, no indication that we were missing anyone other than the mismatch in these 2 lists and the diligence of the two people who manage them.


    There needs to be 1 of 2 options here:

    • Either a student is automatically marked as withdrawn from the upcoming school year when a re-enrollment contract is not returned before a specified date (separate from due date).


    • There needs to be a very obvious and intuitive way to see who/how many are still waiting on their enrollment and re-enrollment contract completion so it can be easily monitored without the use of lists or reports.
  • +1