Support for Spanish/Chinese Languages on Application/Inquiry Forms

We would like the onBoard application and inquiry forms to support separate applications and separate inquiry forms for English (which you already have), as well as Spanish and Chinese.

The drop down choices in these forms need to be in their respective languages. For example, Relationship type in Spanish should read as "Padre" for Father.

After the application or inquiry is submitted, we'd like the data for it to appear in English for those who process the application/inquiry behind the scenes. So, the form appears in the applicant's native language. But once submitted, the software 'translates' all the data into English.

We can already do this to some extent. But menus, such as Interests, do not translate into English once the form is submitted. Also, the Relationship to Candidate is in English only in Core > Settings > Profile > Relationship Types.

  • Mike Lyons
  • Nov 23 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    8 Apr, 2022 03:12am

    I hope we can develop for system with multiple language and characters as Vietnamese and Asia

  • Guest commented
    29 Dec, 2021 01:54am

    I also strongly advocate for the system supporting the Vietnamese language and characters / accents as well.

  • Marcus Gao commented
    16 Jul, 2018 06:38pm

    This is a great idea. 

  • Guest commented
    13 Jul, 2018 05:45pm

    It would definitely make communicating with our international parents.

  • Guest commented
    12 Jul, 2018 04:09pm

    This is an absolute must.

  • Debby Edgerton commented
    12 Jul, 2018 03:14pm

    I think this would be a great idea.