I need more options for the deposit screen in contracts.

If parents decide to pre-pay all of their tuition they can opt out of tuition insurance. We would like the option to be able to include optional fees in the deposit. We need to be able to collect tuition insurance with the deposit. The only way I have figured out how to do that is by setting the deposit value by grade but then you cannot take into account if they are going to pre-pay and opt out. If you use the Percentage choices it won't let you collect the full amount of the tuition insurance. So, Ideally it would be nice to have a choice of (%of tuition + %required fees )+ misc. fees.

It would also be nice if those parents that choose to pre-pay could just pay it all when the complete the contract. So, I guess what I am asking for is a more robust contract. Rather than just selecting the payment plan, it would know what to do with those selections..i.e. if a parent selects "pre-pay w/o insurance" it would know what to charge them at the end.

  • Guest
  • Dec 15 2015
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