Import Financial Aid in Bulk

I would like the ability to bulk import Financial Aid into the Student record. I see that there is a Financial Aid tab, but I will have to manually add a type to each Student who request aid. In Blackbaud Education Edge - Student Billing I can import this type of data, so I would like this to be possible on onBoard.

  • Erica Bryant
  • Dec 15 2015
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Julie Farr commented
    8 Feb, 2016 11:35pm

    I assumed Process > Record Financial Aid would do that? If you left the amount granted and decision empty. But when I try that, I get an error. Really this is to a bulk request, not the granting, right? We definitely do this in 2 steps, add the record with the requested date so they show up on reports and then later put the award in.