Ability to link fees to a users expenses based on which payment plan they select
I would like the ability to link fees to a users expenses based on which payment plan they select.
I would like a way to link "required fees" to a users total expenses, based on the payment plan selected. For any payment plan that is not 100%, we chargs a deferred payment fee of $150. We want the ability to make this required if the family chooses a payment plan, and does not want to rely on the family selecting it as an "optional fee".
I would like some intelligence built into the contracts so that fees are charged and payments are broken down based on what payment plan the family chooses. We have four different payment plans, each with different service charges and terms, and each payment plan needs a different contract based on if the student is receiving financial aid. Right now, we have to create and assign four different contracts to each student and send an email explaining their financial aid and what their payments would be for each of the plans.
THIS, like times 100. Also, would like to have the ability to store formulas or fees so that the fees break down based on total owed divided by the payment plan...
Seems that many schools have required "fees" such as Tuition Refund Plans or Deferred payment fees and this would be a big time saver.
Can I upvote this about 10 times? This would make life so much easier! We have several fees that become mandatory based on the plan the parent chooses. Right now, the contract relies on the parents selecting those fees, which is not an ideal situation.