I would like to see more clarification for when we set up Payment Processing.

I would like to see the form be more descriptive when you need to add a new Payment Processing.

The password that you are asking for on that page is the bank account password not a Merchant Account password.  Some sort of indicator for that would be great.

Also, Add below the card types something about eft not being set here needs to be on the payment block of a contract or maybe a link to contracts from there.

  • Guest
  • Feb 5 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    February 05, 2016 00:17

    Actually.... to clarify.... when setting up BBMS account in BB K-12, the password being asked for is the MASTER BBMS password and not the user's BBMS password. Another way to say it would be the BBMS Account Password. Hope that helps. It is not asking for the bank account password.

    Since EFT IS available through BBMS, it would be good to list EFT as an option after the credit cards. Then people would know EFT is an option in the BBMS gateway. The activation of the EFT also has to be set on the Block Settings on the Contract payment tab.