Notification Adjustment for Rolling Admissions

I would like the send when activated notification to only send to those who have not already received one. We do rolling admissions, so when we inactivate a contract and then activate it again, this notification will go back out to everyone. We would like it to just go out to those who have not received it yet.

  • Erica Bryant
  • Feb 9 2016
  • Attach files
  • Erica Bryant commented
    9 Feb, 2016 06:57pm

    Our school has rolling admissions, so throughout the year we adjust the contract and will re-generate it. In doing so, we first mark the contract inactive, adjust it and then re-activate it. When we mark it inactive, any user that already has that contract can no longer work with it until it is marked as active. We would like for those with contracts already generated to be able to view them if we mark the contract inactive.