Different Contracts for each Parent

I would like for the ability to assign Different Contracts for each Parent for 1 Student. This is due to Divorced Parents, we need to have 1 Individual Contract for each parent because they are paying 2 different amounts and we need them to be separated. I know I can have 2 different Contract Types, and assign each one a different Contract Type. I would need to remove the Parental Access and or List as Parent indicator for one while the other submits and do the same in reverse for the other Parent. However both of the Contract Forms will still display to both User in the Files and Forms Section. We do not want each parent to have any sort of access to the others contract forms whatsoever. So the above workaround does not work for our School.

  • Jamie Hardy
  • Feb 19 2016
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    • Candace Chesler commented
      April 05, 2017 16:25

      With Smart Tuition Integration we can have both parents sign the contract and have two Smart Tuition accounts. The default split is 50/50. For those parents who have a different split - we have communicated individually with those parents and put a note in the contract as to what the split is.

    • Jamie Hardy commented
      February 19, 2016 19:07

      This is accommodated in Education Edge (EE)