Personalize each (mail merge) decision

As it is now, the only thing that can be added through decision comment goes to everyone. It would add a little more individual recognition to be able to say things such as we loved so and so...So and so is just adorable...What a wonderful little boy...Hooray another sibling from the kind of thing...


  • Guest
  • Mar 18 2016
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  • Julie Farr commented
    27 Feb, 2018 01:10am

    Using Comments in Decisions, we do personalize the note that shows when the parent logs in and sees their decision. It would be nice to add an additional comment here which could be tied to the Decision Letter/Mail Merge

  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    21 Mar, 2016 02:38pm

    Absolutely! In the February Release Notes, they give us the ability to add a comment for the online notification, and that's great, but we don't also have that option for Mail Merges and the physical mailing.