We are a 9-12 high school. However, we have numerous K-7th grade students attend our events. Once they register for an event, I would like to run one list of ALL the events we host on campus (Open House, Junior Irish Night, Campus Tours, etc.) that would include Student Name, Grade, School, and email, so that we are able to message this group. There are 2 issues with doing this. 1) Because the younger attendees do not have a "role" in Blackbaud, we cannot pull them over in an Advanced list in OnBoard. We do not want to require a 2nd grader to login in order to register for an event, such as our Junior Irish Night. 2) In OnMessage, the categories of "Student Grade" or "Current School" do not exist, so I have added these under the "Extra Fields" section. I can't get that to pull over to an Advanced list either.
We are working on an Admissions-specific version of Event Registration that should help with this issue.