Ability to Remove Duplicate Academic Years within OnBoard

We have families who submit inquiries several years out from their actual enrollment date (ie. our school starts in 9th grade but we have 6th graders that submit inquiries).  Therefore many of them get confused and select the wrong entering year when they first create an account.  Then when we are able to identify the correct entering year it looks as if they have two accounts.  It would be helpful for OnBoard managers to be able to delete incorrect entering years/academic years similar to how it is done with student enrollment and deleting enrollment rows. 

  • Guest
  • Sep 7 2016
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Lyne Labrecque commented
    July 18, 2019 14:03

    I am reopening this just asking if it would not be possible, great, to be able to "merge" the two entering years and thus keep the information, checklists and imported documents of the years deleted as either a pdf to keep for information purposes.