Need applicant abiilty for current Pre-K to K applicant

We’re experiencing a major hiccup with BB. Our current Pre-K students are not able to submit an online application to K without it creating a duplicate candidate. Options provided by BB do not realistically work: We cannot withdraw a current student as they would then not receive push pages, etc. and a merger doesn’t work as the system will not allow us to merge a new applicant with an existing student. We are now left to creating a writeable PDF. Doing so will not enable us to run true reports for data and we still have to find out if we can add a checklist to an existing student.

BB needs to help us with the following:

 1.Determine if we can make a current PreK student a K applicant without withdrawing the student

2. Merge a duplicate for an existing student

3.Add a checklist to an existing student?

  • Guest
  • Nov 18 2016
  • Attach files
  • josceline reardon commented
    April 28, 2021 19:33
  • Guest commented
    April 13, 2017 13:33

    Our school has a similar situation.  While we are a high school (9-12) we have set up a middle school division for programs in which 6-8 graders from local Catholic Elementary schools participate - online mini-courses and JV sports teams. 

    Options in addition to those mentioned above:

    1. Allow a user to be a student of a middle school division and a candidate of s high school division

    2.  In the merge process, allow middle school enrollments of one account to be added to the high school candidate once he/she has been enrolled in the high school level