I would like households to be allowed to be split up on an application

Currently, if a families living situation changes between inquiry and application, such as a divorce, there is not way for them to indicate this on the application and are forced to submit it  with the old relationship/household information.

I would like the ability for users to indicate the households are incorrect and adjust them within the application without the application needing to be regenerated.

  • Tim Walker
  • Dec 1 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    December 13, 2016 15:38

    Right now if a school fills out an Inquiry with a Parent of Candidate and the Candidate then processes the Inquiry and goes back to add a second Parent of Candidate with a different address then the Application prefills the two Parent of Candidates in the same household versus a split household. It would be good for the Application to recognize Parents with different addresses should be a split household.