There is currently 1 set of Notifications for Contracts: Called Reenrollment. However, if we customize the email data pushes for re-enrollment then all contracts must use that format (New enrolls, Internationals... etc will get the same email blast). We need these notifications to vary depending on what contract people get.
I'm not sure this idea is going to get reviewed by your staff since it is (incorrectly) marked "Already exists." Should I create an new idea?
This does not "Already Exist." We are talking about the notifications that are sent when a contract is signed and returned and then again when it is processed. They are stored in CORE - Communication - Notifications
We want different notifications to go out depending on if the contract is a re-enrollment or a new student or if it's a late contract, etc. I know there are other instances where other schools may need different messages to be sent as well.