Step-Parents added via inquiry form display as Step-Parents on the Contact Card

When a stepparent is added to the contact card through an inquiry form, the user will always receive a parent relationship. I would like to have this updated to allow for Step Parent Relationships to be added when processing an inquiry form.

  • Scott Durham
  • Jan 30 2017
  • Attach files
  • Terri Rodriguez commented
    17 Jul, 2020 05:53pm

    Much more support is needed for schools to manage step-parents and split households. It is important to make sure that all communications go to both households, that students can readily be identified as having more than one household, etc.

  • Tasia Weatherly commented
    2 Mar, 2020 04:17pm

    Please implement this update. In addition to the step parent issue, we have a large international student population and we end up with a lot of agents and guardians who come through via inquiry and application forms. Since there are several relationship types that overlap with relationships in Core, it would be much easier to have that logic be built out in the forms, vs having to go back and delete/re-add the relationship.

  • Guest commented
    16 Mar, 2019 01:17am

    This is SUPER important!! Step-parents USUALLY DO NOT have the same legal rights as a parent, so with minors it is very important to have this clear. It is also problematic as it can be seen as offensive to an actual Parent to have a Step-Parent referred to as a Parent.