Tag contract as Declined (for candidates) like you do Not Returning (for current students)

On the contract edit screen, have a "Declined" checkbox that functions similarly to the "Not Returning" checkbox. It would allow the Admission Office to have a better look at contracts, especially on the Analyze > Re-enrollment progress page. 


When a family declines admission to the School, we are currently deleting the contract from the candidate's onBoard record. The practice is because

  • We cannot leave it in place because it will show as an outstanding contract (or a Generated or Saved contract) which is considered as possible enrollment. A declined candidate is not a possible enrollment.
  • We cannot mark it hold because it will show in the hold column which is also considered as possible enrollment.
  • We cannot mark it as not returning because then it will incorrectly skew our not returning numbers for our current students (and the candidate never attended).



  • Danielle Keeney
  • Mar 7 2017
  • Attach files
  • Kirstin McDonald commented
    March 16, 2022 17:41

    The other issue is that the reminder emails to go parents who have declined a spot unless we select Not Returning on the contract, which, as mentioned already, skews the numbers and does not reflect the correct data.

  • Candace Chesler commented
    May 01, 2017 19:29

    In the Analyze >  ReEnrollment Reports > Contract Summary Totals - we get counts of Students who are not returning separate from Candidates who have declined. These numbers are pulling from the contracts that were issued for the students/candidates.

    In SKY reports: onBoard > Analyze > Contracts - the candidates who Declined a spot are lumped in with the Not Returning students. As Danielle described - this skews our reports. The X number of students who Declined a spot should not be included with the Y number of students not returning. 

  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    March 08, 2017 13:29

                    Yes- there needs to be a way to resolve this. We are marking candidates who are offered a contract as "not returning," and marking them in their checklist as “declined,” with the added reason, but this ends up being redundant. We like that we can select a “declined” reason from the drop-down, but that there is not a corresponding drop-down for re-enrolling students is a problem.

    Ideally, marking that either a current student or candidate was offered a contract but is choosing not to enroll would be the same process, with the ability to pull from a drop-down a “reason” and mark the “school attending.” Then, we should be able to pull a report that then allows us to sort them by grade, year, or whether they were re-enrolling or candidates.

    The end result would then be that we’d be able to look for trends and say “oh, we lost an unusual amount of students and candidates for 9th Grade, and it looks like it was for the same reason across the board,” or something like that.