Online sports sign-up/course request

Allow online sports sign-up/course requests similar to academic online course requests.

  • Caroline Johnson
  • Mar 14 2016
  • Attach files
  • Linda Lutes commented
    September 04, 2019 20:02

    We did like Gregg and made sport choices academic "classes" but one  problem that resulted was that the report showing the number of courses students selected was thrown off because their sport was included. Therefore, it was difficult for the academic office to know who had made enough academic selections. Also, the athletic director had to be kept up-to-date via the registrar when students made changes to their sport selection... not ideal.

  • Nancy Stutsman commented
    March 13, 2018 17:44

    Our Athletics department is going to begin using onCampus athletics this summer.  They are moving from a system they chose which allowed them to import rosters from registrations with one click.  Now they will have to add students from Excel spreadsheet generated from Event Registration signups.  The process is time-consuming compared to what they are used to doing, and any way to streamline it would be helpful. 


    They need to be able to take payment, so while we would like it to be a similar process to course request/sign-up, it would be even better if it could have the same import functionality available with course requests, but also have the added capability of accepting payment.

  • Zoe Schwam commented
    March 08, 2017 16:07

    Need this badly.

  • Gregg Miller commented
    May 17, 2016 17:26

    We also really need this.  I created a workaround, but it's a pain.  We made "classes" for each team and had kids select them during course sign up.  I then exported those requests and imported them into rosters.