I would like to be able to receive an update any time a an athletic game is changed without being on every team

Presently, only members of a team or coaches are able to be notified when a game has been changed. It would be helpful if our athletic director could receive a notification any time a coach changes a game time so they are aware without us adding them to every single sports team as a coach.

  • Tim Walker
  • Jul 18 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 05, 2019 14:19

    Yes, agreed! Our athletics staff need to receive notifications for all teams even if they are not on the team. Team managers also should be able to receive notifications for their team.

  • Jen Cleary commented
    September 07, 2016 14:03

    Agree, and would also be helpful if other staff  could receive notifications - such as front desk. (We're a K-8, and get a lot of parents calling to ask about cancellations, etc!)