Import topics in order

Topics imported from a previous year's class do not stay in the same order as in the original class, requiring teachers to take extra steps when setting up the new year's classes.  When multiple topics are selected for import, they should remain in the same order as in the original class.

  • Stanley Golanka
  • Aug 4 2016
  • Attach files
  • Seth Battis commented
    23 Sep, 2024 01:16pm

    How is this eight years old? This is such low-hanging fruit...

  • Seth Battis commented
    23 Sep, 2024 01:15pm

    A teacher comments:

    As you work with Blackbaud on myGroton, would pursue the possibility of storing both the content and the structure of the class pages for importing material from one year to the next? Or is there an option that I am missing? The software puts the material back in alphabetical order which creates much (perhaps unnecessary) work.