Make an assessment viewable on the calendar, but not accessible until the date/time specified
Faculty would like the ability to make certain upcoming quizzes visible on a students' Assignment Center without the quiz becoming accessible until a specific date and time.
If you publish it now, but the assigned date is in the future the student will see it in their assignment list but won't be able to open it until the assigned date/time
I just had a teacher send me this suggestion. As of right now, his work around is to have TWO assignments, the first Assignment called "Quiz on FRIDAY", and a second assignment that is the actual assessment. Let's kill 2 birds with one stone and allow an assessment to have a "Visibility" date and also an "Activate Assessment" date/time. Thanks!
If you publish it now, but the assigned date is in the future the student will see it in their assignment list but won't be able to open it until the assigned date/time
I just had a teacher send me this suggestion. As of right now, his work around is to have TWO assignments, the first Assignment called "Quiz on FRIDAY", and a second assignment that is the actual assessment. Let's kill 2 birds with one stone and allow an assessment to have a "Visibility" date and also an "Activate Assessment" date/time. Thanks!