Role Access to Grades and Grade Books By Department

We'd like for our department chairs to have more access to grades and grade books, but only within their department. Right now, user access to grades and grade books through the Grading Manager and Grade Book Manager roles can only filter access by school level. We'd like to either have a role or roles that can be filtered by department for this information, or have the option to enable this for department chairs by default.

  • Mike Lyons
  • Sep 23 2016
  • Attach files
  • Anneke Emerson commented
    November 17, 2022 18:21

    Yes, please! Major need in our school.

  • Tiffany Klang commented
    September 05, 2019 18:51

    Yes please! The only option now is to give them editing access to ALL gradebooks within the school. I'd like to be able to limit it to only the courses within their department, and read-only if possible. 

  • Guest commented
    March 30, 2018 17:43

    This would be helpful.  We get around this by creating department head accounts, then adding the department to each course.  The department head account is then a teacher on the course and can do anything the teacher can do.  

  • +2