Make Students' "Progress" & "Schedule" tabs available under the "Contact Card" dropdown on their Directory Search results (for those Advisors who should have access)

Currently, Advisors of a given Student can click the little "Contact Card" dropdown icon on that student's record on the Advisor's "Advisees" page for the Advisory Group, and get the options "Progress", "Schedule", "Conduct", "Official Notes", "Contact Card" and "Assignments" under that dropdown/icon.

It would make sense for Advisors to get these same options under the "Contact Card" dropdown that appears by the student when the Advisor searches for that student in any Student Directory, as well.

As it is, this is a case of an icon that looks the same in two different places functioning differently (offering two different sets of options) in those two different places.

It makes more sense for it to behave the same way regardless of where the Advisor's accessing it.

  • Sylvie Andrews
  • Oct 17 2016
  • Attach files