We are currently in Quarter 2. When Advisors click on the button for "missing assignments" they see those for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2. They would like to see Quarter 2 only. We should be able to restrict the display to the current term, just as we can with missing assignment reports run from the grade books.
We too have this issue with teachers who see prior term missing assignments from their class roster even if graded as a 0.
Hello - we are running into this - anybody come up with a solution?
This also causes confusion with parents, since many of the listed assignments can't be made up since the trimester is over.
Kathy, we have just run into the same issue with teacher complaints - the missing assignment button loses its usefulness when the advisor can't tell if the missing assignments are from the current marking period or a previous one. I hope there will be an enhancement to this to make it filterable by marking period or just limit the view to the current marking period.