Way to view Cumulative Class Average via a Report or List

I would like to be able to view the Cumulative Class Average via a Report or List. Currently the only way to do this is via running a Report as a Teacher or Gradebook manager in the Course > Gradebook > Reports > Averages - By Assignment Type. I would like for any User to run this report for each Class to see the class Cumulative Average.

  • Jamie Hardy
  • Oct 27 2016
  • Attach files
  • Kristopher Loper commented
    15 Dec, 2020 07:11pm

    Agreed. This is a standard report in other databases. Given that the field is in the database it ought to be user accessible for administrative reporting.

  • Mica Mulloy commented
    27 Oct, 2016 09:51pm

    This would definitely be a helpful addition. The data exists in the system, but rather than an easy report a department chair or administrator would have to pull individual gradebooks and then manually calculate averages.

  • Shawna Khan commented
    27 Oct, 2016 08:18pm

    There definitely should be a way to run a report that lists the average grade for each class, possibly with an option to run for all classes or run by department.  It is odd that grade book managers can not run a report to see averages and the only way is to go into each individual grade book and run Averages - By Assignment Type to see a class average.  

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