Add Letter Earner Information to "Athletic History by User" Report

We need to track the number of athletic letters earned by each student.  In the team roster there is a check box for "Letter Earner" but this information is not available in any report.  It would be helpful to have it added to the Athletic History by User Report (just like the Team Captain information is included).

  • Katherine Lewis
  • Nov 8 2016
  • Attach files
  • Harold Kay commented
    16 Mar, 2017 05:17pm

    Our Athletic Office asked us to help generate a report of Letter Winners, and we can't do it because it's not available in any of the OC/OR lists. When I tell the Athletic Office that we can't give them this list, they'll turn around and say that it was something they used to be able to do in Education Edge. 

  • Guest commented
    11 Nov, 2016 08:11pm

    Thank you for posting this, it is frustrating that the field exists but cannot be included in any report.