Allow parents to "color code" children to differentiate assignments by child on the calendar

Parents with multiple children need a way to differentiate their children's assignments. A simple color code assignment would help.

  • Kathryn Nguyen
  • Nov 11 2016
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Leanne Lee commented
    February 21, 2023 20:35

    Color coding classes in upper grades would be nice as well!!!

  • lauren marcus eisenberg commented
    October 13, 2021 16:10

    Hi Ben,
    Happy to chat about this and connect you with a parent or two from our
    school community.


  • Ben Leddy commented
    October 13, 2021 15:53

    Hi all! Ben from the LMS team here. We are considering this idea, and more broadly, we would like to better understand the experience of students' families in the LMS: what's working, what's unclear, and what could be improved. If you are interested in connecting, or know family members who would be willing to connect with us, please send me an email: Thank you!

  • Julie Wyman commented
    August 06, 2021 17:18

    As a parent and teacher, it would be nice to be able to differentiate my class assignments and schedule from my daughter's with different colors. Please consider this feature.

  • Reji Samuel commented
    September 10, 2020 16:38

    I have received several parent requests for this feature stating it will make it a lot easier to view their children's calendar events separately.

  • Lisa Saunders commented
    March 21, 2017 15:10

    This would be very helpful - or if the system could assign automatic distinct coloring up front, rather than allowing for selection.

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