Allow parents to "color code" children to differentiate assignments by child on the calendar

Parents with multiple children need a way to differentiate their children's assignments. A simple color code assignment would help.

  • Kathryn Nguyen
  • Nov 11 2016
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Leanne Lee commented
    21 Feb, 2023 08:35pm

    Color coding classes in upper grades would be nice as well!!!

  • lauren marcus eisenberg commented
    13 Oct, 2021 04:10pm

    Hi Ben,
    Happy to chat about this and connect you with a parent or two from our
    school community.


  • Ben Leddy commented
    13 Oct, 2021 03:53pm

    Hi all! Ben from the LMS team here. We are considering this idea, and more broadly, we would like to better understand the experience of students' families in the LMS: what's working, what's unclear, and what could be improved. If you are interested in connecting, or know family members who would be willing to connect with us, please send me an email: Thank you!

  • Julie Wyman commented
    6 Aug, 2021 05:18pm

    As a parent and teacher, it would be nice to be able to differentiate my class assignments and schedule from my daughter's with different colors. Please consider this feature.

  • Reji Samuel commented
    10 Sep, 2020 04:38pm

    I have received several parent requests for this feature stating it will make it a lot easier to view their children's calendar events separately.

  • Lisa Saunders commented
    21 Mar, 2017 03:10pm

    This would be very helpful - or if the system could assign automatic distinct coloring up front, rather than allowing for selection.

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