Ability to have exam grades in grade book, pull to the Exam Grade column in Grading. Just like the cumulative grade book grade pulls to semester grade or classroom grade column.
Currently, when a teacher enters exam grades in their grade book, they have to manually re-enter those grades on the grading tab since the exams are not part of the cumulative grade book grade.
We are just running into this. Coming from FAWeb/NetClassroom I'm a little shocked I don't seem more people complaining about this extra step/lack of feature. There really needs to be some way for teachers to easily enter Semester/Final Exams in their gradebook and make those available to students/parents before the date that the full report cards are available.
I agree this should have been implemented a long time ago.
We are just running into this. Coming from FAWeb/NetClassroom I'm a little shocked I don't seem more people complaining about this extra step/lack of feature. There really needs to be some way for teachers to easily enter Semester/Final Exams in their gradebook and make those available to students/parents before the date that the full report cards are available.