Game Dismissal times should show on student and coach schedules and for attendance manager

Right now only the actual game time is displayed in the student and teacher/coach schedule. You have to click Game Details and Directions to see the actual dismissal time. It would be great if the dismissal time for athletics was visible quickly in their schedules. The actual game times could be under the details section.

  • Guest
  • May 26 2017
  • Attach files
  • Adrian S. commented
    21 Apr, 2023 08:50pm

    Note from other idea by Joe St. Clair:

    When an athlete's team obligation overlaps with another schedule obligation, I would like for the teacher/advisor recording attendance to have a notification in the attendance section by the student's name. This would be ideal for dismissal times etc, as the 'start time' is not always adequate notice.

    If pre-filled attendance reasons could be configured to populate in response to such an overlap, that would be even better.

    My addition:

    This would be a huge life saver! If we wanted to go a step further, I would recommend that teachers could get emails when a practice/grame dissmisal time overlaps with their class and have functionality in the system to approve or deny those absences so our Athletic department can know if a teacher has been notified and a student wouldn't be missing important tests.

  • Hannah Noble commented
    22 Feb, 2022 02:35pm

    We need a way to sync up early dismissal time for athletics and activity groups with attendance in academic courses. Currently, the attendance manager has to schedule these per student.

  • Guest commented
    17 Oct, 2019 03:27pm

    Also, please make the dismissal time for the game/practice tie in to attendance so teachers will see it in attendance.

  • Hiram Cuevas commented
    5 Sep, 2019 04:40pm

    I would also include the ability to schedule the athletic excuse when the game is being dismissal time is be added. A convergence of function.

  • +1