Provide one customizable text element at top of many parent-visible myschoolapp screens.

in a system that provides so much configuration flexibility, and schools using the system in varying ways, providing one customizable Text element, with ability to hyperlink, at top of many myschoolapp screens, for us to explain Why, Who to Contact etc., would be very helpful to avoid confusion in so many areas.

For example,

- at top of all the Profile screens like Contact Card (where we lock down editing of contact info and we need to tell them who to email with changes), or Settings/Privacy (where we dissuade people from hiding info from Teachers),

- Medical tab (explaining what we do and do not need filled out, since we cannot hide items we do not use),

- child's Progress, (saying what our grading policies are, why we do or don't show granular grades)

- Files and Forms (explaining how we use School Forms, or who to contact, or what is really important), etc.

This would help BB product management too, taking a little pressure off having to continuously add functionality just to accommodate this or that school's particular use of a feature.

  • Vincent Jurgens
  • Jun 16 2017
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