Allow short classes to appear on My Day grid schedule

Currently, short (5-10 minute) classes - like homeroom - do NOT appear on the grid schedule in MyDay for teachers or students.  While they do appear in the list view, we're afraid that teachers and students might not notice them, especially since the view defaults to the grid view.

It would be very helpful for short classes to show up in the grid view.  Often, homeroom is the most important class of the day for ensuring accurate attendance; it's important to make sure that it's easily visible.

  • Megan Morris
  • Aug 8 2017
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    • Claudia Gonzalez commented
      February 21, 2019 21:59

      Adding to this idea, can I suggest that the Schedule Grid View be enabled for 5 minute intervals instead of 15. Currently, any class that end within the same 15 minute interval as the next scheduled class, will not show on the Grid View, only on the List View. This creates confusion for some of our faculty who default to the Grid View on their Schedule and Performance page.

    • +1