This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-1016 When Assessments are Allowed to be Retaken, let students retake ONLY the answers they got wrong.
Currently, the system allows for multiple retakes of an assessment. However, if a student chooses to retake the assessment, they have to retake the entire thing, not just the parts they didn't get wrong the first time. Many of our teachers give practice quizzes and tests, whose purpose is to allow the students to learn from their mistakes and eventually score 100%. On a quiz or test with more than a few questions, the retaking option is burdensome for the kids.
On a side note, another valuable option/tool, would be to allow the system to score the quiz as the student filled out each answer. If they get the answer wrong, allow a feature where teachers can make comments about the wrong answer when it is shown and let the student try again while seeing the wrong answer and the teacher's comments.