Advisor flag for low cumulative averages of their advisees & ability to run reports for entire advisory

In FAWeb, Advisors were able to receive a warning for students who had cumulative averages below a certain grade.  We would like this same functionality.  In addition, it would be helpful if the reports for cumulative averages that do exist could be run for the entire advisory group, instead of by each individual student.

  • Nancy Kierstead
  • Sep 5 2017
  • Attach files
  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    January 10, 2019 22:18

    Agreed! We would really like the ability to set grade thresholds that trigger a notification to advisors. We also would like advisors to be able to run a comprehensive report for all of their advisees, kind of like a student summary so that they don't have to look on 5 different tabs to aggregate information about their advisees (academics, athletics, dorm, attendance, conduct).