Add a "Notify Parent/Student" function that emails a comment on a grade on an assignment

With our previous system we had the functionality for a teacher to "Notify parent" and "Notify student" from inside the grade entry interface about either a comment added or the grade on the assignment itself. This was a huge feature that we used a great deal  So much handier to have the functionality right in the grade book interface rather than having to go out to communication and create a new message.  The notification pulled specific data into the notification template.

  • Guest
  • Sep 13 2017
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  • Debby Pigman commented
    8 Dec, 2018 11:26pm

    The present system is cumbersome and opaque.

  • Maribel Castro commented
    30 Aug, 2018 02:18pm

    This is a must for teachers who are wanting to inform students about their work.  A notification upon login on the student end will lead them to the progress area w/o having to dig around for it.