Parents and Students Can See Future Assignments

I'd like the ability for teachers to create future assignments but not have them show when a student/parent goes and filters for future assignments. Right now, you can assign/publish an assignment, but you cannot hide that assignment from the parent/student view, and you have to add an assignment date or it will not save. If there is a way to hide an assignment that is published for teacher that parents and students can't see, that would be great.
  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2015
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  • Deleted User commented
    September 14, 2015 14:22

    Hi Jamie,

    I thought I would respond to this since I think our existing functionality may do what you want.  When teachers create assignments they have two dates they can fill in, assigned and due date.  They also have a publish option to either Publish Now, on the Assigned Date or "No".  So teachers could set the assigned date in the future and set the Publish option to "Assigned Date" allowing them to keep the assignment hidden till the day of.

  • +1