Ability for Teachers to Restrict File Types for Assignment Submissions

Our teachers are finding that when students in their classes are submitting various file types, it makes for a varied grading experience (i.e. they are able to annotate one student's paper, but can only give feedback in the comments section if a student uses the text box submission area, or the teacher can't annotate because the student submitted a .pages file, etc.).

It would be great if teachers could have the option to restrict what type of files they will accept (i.e. only .doc or .docx) for each assignment, so they can provide the same level of feedback for any student.

And of course thinking down the road from this, it would be great to give the teacher the ability to make an exception for a student (i.e. the student doesn't have access to Word, so the teacher makes an exception to allow for a Google doc submission).

Thanks for considering!

  • Guest
  • Jan 18 2018
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