Adding multiple links to a "Links" content type located in a "Topic"

First off, let me say I believe this is BUG, not a "new idea".  When the bug is confirmed by the support staff, being told "why don't you submit a new idea" is not an ideal response.  How about fix the program?

The bug.  In a "Links" content type located in a "Topic", you can only add one Link.  Why would you have a content type titled "LinkS" if you can only add one link?  And why would you think that a teacher would have only one link! To add multiple links (let's say ten) on one topic the teacher should add multiple Links content types (yes I know you can add the links to a Text content type, but that isn't the point).  Really?? Tell me this isn't a bug.

To further the argument this is a bug, why is it that you CAN add multiple links to the "Links" content type when it is located on the Bulletin Board?  Obviously the feature is intended to accommodate multiple links.

So rather then addressing the issue via a "new idea", it would be helpful for there be some method for reporting bugs.  Just a thought.

  • Guest
  • Jan 26 2018
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  • Geoffrey Goodfellow commented
    December 15, 2020 23:09

    Ironically, I had a teacher share with me their annoyance that they can add all of their downloads under a single download part but they cannot add all of their links under a single links part. It requires a new links part for each link which is very clunky. I came to the idea bank to post this idea and came across this already-existing idea so added my vote to support that links be enhanced to operate as efficiently as downloads.