Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-1077 Allow Assignments, Assessments, Graded Discussions Per Student (or Group of Students) Within a Class.

Discussion: Smaller Groups within the Class Group Merged

In our previous LMS (Moodle) teachers could make small discussion groups rather than whole class discussions. Students could have a conversation within a group of 4-5 instead of all 20-25 students in the course.

It would be nice if I could click a "groups" button and then choose the number of groups. We'd like to be able to either assign members to groups or randomly fill.

A work around could be if we could have Discussions be responded to with a collapsible thread rather than just having all comments appearing.

  • Quinn Loucks
  • Jul 25 2018
  • Implemented