Add .PDE Extension as an acceptable file type
I would like to add .PDE Extension as an acceptable file type for assignment dropbox for a computer course that using a system called Processing.
A program called Processing is used by a computer course and the teacher would like the students to upload the files to their assignment
We will be adding a very long list of file types to the whitelist in November. Thank you for your patience, I've made sure all your file types above are covered. We did discuss internally the possibility of removing any validation and allowing all file types but there were implications to that are bigger than it seems on the surface so in order to be able to close out some of these long-standing requests will exhance our existing functionality. Stay tuned!
I think ANY type of file should be acceptable - only have annotate available on say pdf and doc ...but other programming and graphic design files are essential uploads!
Here are additional file types that would be helpful
File extensions…