Grades are meant to symbolize performance—not a calculation. Displaying a percentage—even without decimals, which I'm aware is possible—enables a focus on the calculation. We'd like for students to be able to see just the letter grade they earned on every assignment and their calculated average represented as a letter grade, not numbers!
This is an excellent suggestion if it can be implemented as an option - preferably an option that the grade manager has control over at the division level - meaning the grade manager can set it division-wide or give teachers in a specific division the ability to choose to display either percentage or letter grade. How this is set should also impact the display of the student's marking period average.
I think you can change in your gradebook setup to show just the grading scale A-F instead of calculations.
A couple teachers did it accidentally.... when a teacher goes to gradebook - setup. There's a column to choose grade scale - if you leave it blank, it does points calculation.
Personally, I think only letter grades is not beneficial to students at all - how could they see improvement and be motivated to get from 87 B to 92 B if all they see is "B" ?