Teacher Announcement email contains more body of the announcement

When a parent/ student receives the email notification that an Announcement has been posted, the email shows only the headline and you have to click More Details and log in to MySchool to read the text of the announcement.   Even if it only showed a part of the Announcement, it would be great to have the body visible in the email notification.    This would make more parents more likely to at least read some of the message - if they were too busy to log on.

We did find how to change the placeholders in the announcement setup to show which specific class and teacher sent the notification,  instead of just the default school name, so that is good - don't change that!  

  • Shelley Shinabarger
  • Aug 28 2018
  • Attach files
  • Shelley Shinabarger commented
    October 18, 2018 02:10

    Also, how about a new menu item across the top ANNOUNCEMENTS, a central place for all the posted announcements that pertain to you?