Assignments / Tests Shared Calendar (aka Major Assignments)

Our teachers are running into some issues regarding our use of the Major Assignments report as a test calendar.

First, our students are responsible for contacting a teacher if they have more than 3 major assessments on a single day. However, from their view they only see the assigned date which may not be the teacher that added the test last.

Second, the report only shows inserted date and assigned date to teachers. A teacher could insert tests at the beginning of the term and then change the date of the test. In this case the insert date doesn't change but what changed was the assigned date. I don't have a great answer to solve this, but it does seem that someone (either teacher or student) to see when the assigned/due date for a test was changed. In addition with the new calendar that is coming out making it easier for teachers and students to just see major assignments.

  • Anthony Trumbo
  • Jul 22 2015
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  • Frederic Skrzypek commented
    8 Dec, 2022 08:51pm

    We are in a similar situation where we have create workaround so teachers can view major assignments in a simple interface. The feature advertised by finalsite is exactly what we need! Thank you in advance for making this happen!

  • Bradley D'Hondt commented
    28 May, 2021 10:29pm

    Just to add to this idea, we would like some way to limit the number of Major Assignments allowed to be posted per period of time. For example, for Grade 9, only 1 major assignment per day, Grade 10, 1 major assignment per day, Grade 11, 2 major assignments per day, Grade 12, 2 major assignments per day. It would be nice if it could block faculty from adding more than the limits with some kind of warning to prevent student overload. We can run reports and allow students to submit issues with overload, but it would be wonderful if it was automatically enforced.

  • Dave Levin commented
    14 Sep, 2020 04:57pm

    This would be very welcome at my school as well. We also came from the Finalsite Learn environment, and the Planner view provided a way to ensure that students and teachers could be sure they were not overloaded/overloading.

  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    16 May, 2019 12:37pm

    This would be huge for us as well.

    Similar to Ted, we came from Finalsite and within teacher's class calendar view there was a 'Planner' toggle for Faculty which was amazing for quickly assessing students' assignments for a given week.  This did not require running a report, but was integrated into the calendar on teacher's class pages.

    Part of the problem now is that everything within a class page / group is separated out.  The Schedule has its own tab, assignments, etc.  However, for the purposes of looking at information in a calendar view, this is problematic, requiring many clicks to switch between sections and look at a different calendar containing just that information.

    Overwhelmingly, students and teachers live and die by their calendars, so it's incredibly important to have a single place where teachers and students can quickly assess what they have going on.  I understand the system-wide calendar does this, but this should also be possible within individual classes to just show all things related to that class: Schedule, Assignments, Events, etc. which could be checked on or off in a sidebar (as well as an 'Assignment Planner' button for teachers).  Teachers don't want to have to leave their class page just to go to the main calendar and check on and off a bunch of calendars & calendar categories just to figure this out.

    There's a bit already done within Assignments from the Calendar View, but it just shows Assignments.  On top of that requires an extra click to get into this calendar view.  Why can't this be made the default view?  Problematic as well, is once in calendar view, it's not very clear how to get back to the previous view.  The 'List' button is buried along with the other buttons.  I would think a simple back arrow at the top left would be helpful for this purpose.

    Personally, I don't see why seeing a class's 'Schedule' requires it's own standalone tab.  This, I feel, could very easily be converted into the 'Class Calendar' function we're looking for, and could incorporate the applicable 'Assignment Planner' where teachers could see the number of Major assignments (but minor assignments may be helpful as well).

  • Anna Landry commented
    22 Feb, 2019 05:29pm

    We absolutely need this! Right now, we have teachers post their major assignments as events in their class calendar and copy that event onto a shared calendar so everyone can view it. Not efficient at all. :(

  • Ted Parker commented
    27 Jul, 2018 02:05pm

    It would be worth checking out how Finalsite Learn handles this issue with their "Planner" feature: 

  • S. Norcini commented
    16 Nov, 2017 03:34pm

    It is a very important goal for us to avoid overloading our students with tests and projects on any given day. The school has tried several different methods, but none are good solutions to this problem.

    What the school is looking for is a more interactive solution. When a teacher creates an assignment in onCampus, ideally, he/she would be alerted that one or more students already have two or more major assignments due on that day.  I know we have the Roster Major Assignments – By Section report, which is helpful to an extent, but not a proactive solution. Thanks.

  • Guest commented
    24 Oct, 2017 04:23pm

    Our school is having the same difficulty. We are tracking with an additional GoogleCalendar, which is duplicating. I'd like to see MAJOR assignments only, by grade level on a calendar in onCampus.

  • Josh Ryan commented
    29 Aug, 2017 09:18pm

    I agree. This is something our teachers would love to have.

  • Annemarie Merow commented
    4 Oct, 2016 02:43pm

    I would love this shared calendar of major assignments because then we could push it into a Google Calendar.

  • Guest commented
    23 Oct, 2015 04:41pm

    +1 for Sylvie's idea! At our schools, the teachers are not a fan of pulling a report each time they want to plan an assessment.

    Our teachers would love to see just the major assignments for their students on a calendar that:

    1. Displays per week, per month, and custom dates
    2. Shows published and unpublished major assignments (with some indicator re: which is which)
    3. The ability to export this calendar as an RSS feed
  • Guest commented
    24 Sep, 2015 03:15pm

    Also,our teachers complain that there is not a GRID view of the major assignments. There should be an option to filter in the main calendar to show major assignments by section or all sections.

  • Deleted User commented
    10 Aug, 2015 03:01pm

    Thanks Joseph. I've merged these ideas.

  • Guest commented
    8 Aug, 2015 01:55pm

    This is similar to an assignment sharing calendar idea by Sylvie Andrews.

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